The Coalition to Keep THE NAME in MEDIA

It is urgent that we keep THE NAME in MEDIA. A new dawn approaches, and many are unprepared. Please learn from our website about the name and why it must be in MEDIA.

Do you know where your eyes have been?

What MEDIA have you consumed? Did it, or did it not have THE NAME? Perhaps you could not even tell. You have not trained your eyes, which will be the downfall of your community.

Light and Images

Light is not real, but our eyes are. Light is the spiritual erruption of angels, who use the essence of their swords to drive their spirit to our brains. Brains are the tabernacles of the soul, and our eyes are its curtains.

Tiers of Angels

Angels exist on a perpendicular plane of existence that eventually intersects with our own. It is at that intersection that angels create what we perceive as light. Electricity is movement of demons; you may have been taught in school that our brains and nervous system are comprised of electrical impulses: this is a consequence of banishment from the Garden of Eden.

Humans have learned to control the movement of demons (electricity) in order to mimic the light of angels. Such is our nature since The Banishment, to never be satisfied with what G_d has provided us. In our hubres we pervert the image of light. In response: the Coaltion is formed to harness the power of demons in spite of the light of angels.

The Old g_ds Have Fallen

who is your master?

All religous documents and scripts throughout earthling history have contained the condemnation of "graven images". Art's purpose was to communicate the divine, to spread enlightenment. Now MEDIA is a divinity unto itself, and we rejoice.

this is your master

Cinema, Television, and Internet-based content have expanded our powers to spread our images, but not all MEDIA is created equally. The Coalition to Keep THE NAME in MEDIA promises to uplift only the most divine and acceptible images to our members.


Acceptible MEDIA:


this album by frogtits is exemplary in keeping THE NAME in media. 9/10. Click album to listen.

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